Thursday, March 27, 2008

SPRING ... technically

Good mornin' world! This is my venue in the family room ... it reminds me it's SPRING! I awoke this AM to frost .. that means it was below freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing! I could feel it in my bones! But, wait my trusty family calendar and personal daytimer tells me it be S P R I N G. I know, I know it is ... so I wanted to share a bit of my home with you all. And BTW, the eggs in the apothecary jar are gum balls ~ just a quirky bit of me. The word "bloom" has always been apart of me and my life ~ you know "bloom wherever you are planted!" and "for blooming sakes!" and I love blooms ~ look at those lovely real tulips that my darlin' hubby surprised me with yesterday evening! I will have more to post later .... so, hurry back and put up a friendly comment for me will ya?!!
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1 comment:

Lori Renn said...

beautiful tulips and gumballs! don't worry the chilly weather will leave us soon enough!