Friday, August 22, 2008

no more MEDS ... off the Rx ....

to most of you this won't mean A N Y T H I N G .... to the CLGW whom have been along this journey with me for the last year ~ it's finally done!!! Jer. 29:11 God does know the plans He has for me .... I was diagnosed as "grossly obese" (lovely words NOT!!) and the doctor said you can get off your medication if ya just lose weight. No kidding, did you go to medical school for that diagnoses???? Well, I bit the bullet about a year ago ..... and it is waaaaaaaaay hard, it is difficult ~~~ it ain't easy. TODAY at 9:00AM (mountain time) I was released off my medication!!!!! Hooray ..... hoooray ....... and I've lost a total of 65 pounds. She did whisper I could lose some more weight .... but I didn't hear her ~ I chose not to hear her TODAY. I guess God did know what He was doing .... and still knows what He is doing .... now I'm preparing to go to Lesotho and what a wild ride that IS!!! Have a great day!!

end of story!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

Congratulations, Girl!!! Also, congratulations on all your hard work!