Sunday, May 18, 2008

A wandering dog ...

Wonderfully, how God can speak to us (all four of us were home today ... and we just "happened" to be in the garage) .... in the garage no less! This is what happened. It is HOT here today, 93 degrees! So, Doug, Ryan, Paul and myself were in the garage ..... re-arranging stuff, getting out gardening stuff ~ Ryan, was hitting the speed bag ..... and then IT happened. This big (about 70 pounds) blondish dog wandered into the garage. I know ... this may seem silly to most of you ... but IT was a simple blessing that Doug and I believe truly was from God ... as we are missing Sandy Dog so much. We quickly grabbed a bowl of cool water (with ice cubes in it!) for the doggy, and read its collar (please be sure your animal can be identified if it ever wanders off!) and we dialed the telephone number. The owner came promptly .... I told her that darlin' Winston had been a blessing to our day!

~ God showed up today! and blessed me!!

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