Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Bible Study Fellowship International

Today ended my year study of Matthew through Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) .... BSF is international prgram ... and when you are doing lesson #13 so are the people in Ohio, Texas, Idaho ect. ~ how cool is that!! There are classes in Greece, China, Hong Kong, Zambia ~ all over the place. Now, I know some of you know about this ministry ... but I would be so remiss if I didn't give tribute. They have womens, mens, school age classes, middle school, high school, single adult, even an awesome preschool program that teaches your darlin' God's true Word!!
Weekly study, a lecture, personal studying, applications .... life building lessons. This year was Matthew and next year with be Life of Moses ........ doesn't that just sound great. If your in the local area ... grab me and we'll go together ~ every Wednesday morning. It's something you just crave, you learn so much and you realize "this" is what you've needed all along!! Check out the ministry at BSF (they are headquartered in San Antonio, TX)

Let me know what you think ....

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