Monday, June 2, 2008

For my love of books ....

I admit, I am a bookaholic. I enjoy books thoroughly, yet I am very particular about what ones I read. I wouldn't want to waste any of my precious time. I'm not sure what book it's from ... so here's my thought ~
all of us crave release, but refuse to release (for whatever reasons!) ~ and so long as we "cling", we are bound. Whew! that's a mouthful .... a bit hard to swallow at times ... and other times I can't get past craving the release part.
With all of that in mind .... I leave you with this ~ LIVING in the fullness of time includes the ability to redemptively remember your past, to dream about your future, and remain rooted in the present.


Lori Renn said...

yeah books, couldn't live without them.

Anonymous said...

Have you read... same kind of different as me? by Ron Hall and Denver Moore. You would not be disapointed