Tuesday, July 15, 2008

BIG DECISION ... yea God!

Well, God is allowing me to travel to Lesotho S. Africa! YES, sweet ones you did read that right. So the preparations begin! I'll be traveling with 31 others, we will leave Boise IDAHO December 28th and return January 11th. So .... it begins. FYI ... the UN Office/Humanitarian Affairs reports that at least ONE in 10 people is HIV-positive in South Africa. Social tensions and economic strain related to the disease are felt by EVERYONE in this country and not just those living with the disease. THAT'S WHERE I COME IN .... I will be working with 2 orphanages. ALL OF THESE CHILDREN have lost their parents to HIV Aids. The team will be assisting in finishing their housing buildings, hopefully purchasing each child their own bed ~ and maybe a teddy bear, and
hosting a Christmas/New Years celebration. Can you imagine it? Can you see their faces!!! Oh and to think I can hold/care for them and EVEN BLOW SOME BUBBLES WITH ALL OF THEM. My heart races everytime I think of it!!! I love you all ... and I will be sending out assitance letters ~~~~ please DO NOT feel obligated to donate, BUT YOUR PRAYERS SURE WOULD BE AWESOME beginning now! And I'll keep you updated ... I promise!!
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1 comment:

Kim Ross said...

Wow! How wonderful and exciting!! Don't forget to take the camera, as I'm sure they'll be lots of things to document. You'll have our prayers, thoughts, and best wishes!