Friday, January 28, 2011


I am a dreamer of many dreams ~
to change myself ...  to change my family ... and to change my world!
I had a daily scripture calender that sat on my desk last year and I really really ReaLLy enjoyed it ... often I would get an idea/thought from it but, I don't have a calendar for 2011 like that and I find myself aloss (is that a word?!!) ... so I'm dreaming ~ diggin' deep ... Lord, what? I ask ... haven't gotten a reply yet ~ however, I was blessed to 'have coffee' with some wonderful powerful women this AM (you know the type ~ SPF's = spiritual poweful females!) Last years dreams are gone ... some did come true!! and others I'm still dreaming. 
My dream to make others (CLGW's) happy was a gift for them .. it was a monthly pkg. sent to St. L for them to share!! and I totally enjoyed creating it, praying for them and shipping it off! But that was 2010 .. and it's 2011.
DREAMS to follow Jesus anywhere & everywhere (Lord, is that why we've moved from East coast to West coast over the last 28 years?) My dreams are in LIVING COLORS ~ vivid I tell you! Sometimes I can't remember a second of my dream and other times I can't help but tell anyone every detail of my dream. Scripture tells us that we will dream ... So, Lord reveal to me what You want me to do. Why do I share this with you? Because I know you dream too! And together we can Make A Difference in this world.
My point? I'm getting to it .. I have a lot of favO'rite songs ~ one of my very favO'rites is EVERYTHING by Tim Hughes.   If you go over the my playlist of songs, it's the very last one ~ it's worth listening too!!
God in my waking, God in sleeping, God in my dreaming, God in my hoping ... be my EVERYTHING, be my everyThing, be my everything ... be my EVERYTHING.  That's it ... my attention, my allegiance, my love, my life ~ I'm not famous, I'm not brillant, I'm not gorgeous but ... I'm a child of God! and so are YOU! dream big, risk it to dare to do life with God ... trust ~ venture out ~ do what He calls you to do TODAY! oh and enjoy the ride ... I promise you, God will take you to exactly where He wants you!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

CONTEMPLATING ... a LOT these days!!

Maybe the lack of sunshine is clouding my brain (PLEASE GO AWAY FOG!) .. but my days are being filled with contemplating! About what you ask? All things, life, beauty, age (I am turning 50!) ... things, and just all of it!  So .. I started thinking (and then the thought of all my projects of To Do's popped into my brain!) is this menopause? or just me? .. I think it's just me ~ today's thoughts ~~> my Reader Ramblings! I'm a woman in love.  I'm in love with my Jesus who loves me completely, unconditionally, with no strings attached. (Shared this concept at AWANA T & T last night!)  and it's so foundational (KWIM??)    I'm in love with an amazing man (he's my highschool sweetheart!)  Darlin' D has blessed me with and enjoying every minute of this crazy life we're in together.  (I'm the crazy part of this life!) and YES! there's been bumps along the road and yet, there's never a dull moment. I'm reminded that with God all things are possible! And as a couple we've committed to pray together (huge statistic about it ~ ask darlin' D! b/c he's the number guy!) We've moved from the right Coast (East) to the left Coast (West) over the past 28 years. Collected some fascinating things (and recipes! ~ another story!) .. but it's ALWAYS been about moments, NEVER things. However, some of those moments are connected with some priceless things within our home ~ and my  heart beats faster just reflecting!! And I wouldn't change a thing (well, okay, except maybe a few things...)  God has always LOVED me, never abandoned me, and continues to show me His LOVE & GRACE. KWIM?? People ask "so, what do you do?" and I don't have an answer for this one ~ and it's bugging me. I don't have a 'job' ... but I'm always busy ~ and have plenty to do! And that leads into my creative side ~ mind YOU, I'm not creative, it's just the Lord giving me ideas (some funny ones too!) to make something out of my photos.  I love making things beautiful. I love creating and dreaming. I love seeing lives transformed, and heaven revealed.  And chit-chatting about God and His glory stories!! I'm not perfect, and I'll make mistakes and some wrong decisions (today!) the rest O' my life ~  but God's love is and it has captured me. I been told that I tend to get overly excited (can that be??) I want God's love to be my only motivation, the reason behind everything I do. I want to love like He does. I want to see like He does. I want to forgive like He does.  And this is the journey...  did I mention I turn 50 years old in March?!! CONTEMPLATING ....

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

CA fog ....

This is serious and severe ... FOG for days! with zero (0) visibility!! So, one of my favO'rite local coffee shops Tazzaria on Main Street offers this ... the fog lifter! and the 2nd photo was taken by my house at 2PM (yep! in the afternoon) .....
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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

C H __ __ C H .. what's missing???

U R ... where do you worship? A sanctuary with walls? without walls? outside? inside? beside the ocean? beside the highway? How has God wired you that you 'naturally' worship Him? ..... WORSHIP ~ we are created to WORSHIP!! in song, in prayer, in ponder, thru scripture .. enJOY your WORSHIP today!!

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

elegant DECOR ...

I so enjoy decorations ... every holiday ... & every season. These are just a few that I saw and inspired me to contemplate next year.

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Monday, January 17, 2011


I have ALWAYS been drawn to the OCEAN! I am very respectful of it's power, it's beauty, and it's intrigue!! The sounds of the water are soothing ~ and add in the sand, the shells (none during the winter months) ... and the breeze ~ ~ ahhh!!

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Wishing .....

darlin' D was able to get his coin into the center of the shell .. wonderin' what wish he made for the new year 2011? stunning beauty at the Grand Wailea hotel.

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Smell what you See

The hibiscus' were magnificent and vibrant! Darlin' D & me at the Grand Wailea ... such a magnificent and vibrant hotel ~ fascinating too!!
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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1 ~ 11 ~ 11

the elevens!! I have to tell you darlin' D & me have started life journaling ... at first it seemed overwhelming (for both of us!!) but we started. Doesn't the journey begin with the first step?? and who knew? it's NOT that overwhelming and we are reading, journaling, discussing and talking B I B L E. So, the Lord's been showing me ~ "do what is right". I know that, YOU know that, everyone knows it ... do it ~ the lesson over and over is DO WHAT IS RIGHT. So, we're driving down the highway ~ wind in my hair (everywhere) and LQQK what I saw on the back of a vehicle. Grabbed my camera (b/c I go nowhere without a camera!!) ... PONO ~ Do What Is Right. take with you for a day and see what YOU do. Stop back by and let me know ........
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Monday, January 10, 2011

HOME ... again home again!

It's wonderful to go away, chill out ~ relax, do the local-yocal things ... visit family ... and yet there is NOTHING like coming HOME! It was a bit of a difficult trip home, darlin' D has extreme back pain. To the point we headed straight to the ER from the airport. Okay, I'll admit ... I had NO CLUE where the ER was even located. Duh me ~ however, no worries I found it .. and about 3.5 hours later, darlin' D was discharged. And now prayerfully and expectantly he will be in recovery.  Your back is not something to mess around with .. it holds you together and it can mess up the rest of your body too! So ... home again home again jiggedy jigg. Dorthy (from the Wizard of Oz) had it absolutely right, "There's NO place like home!"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

adios 20ten and helloooooo 20eleven!!

Soooooooooooo much going on ... and I have lotS of photos to share ... it's a rainy day in paradise but I don't care ... sent sweet BB a postcard ... and a new year ~~~~> into 11! Regarding my ONE WORD JOURNEY = weLLness this year!! and who know where the Good Lord will lead me!! I wait patiently and expectantly ... have a great R. O W. (rest O week) ... aloha, m