Friday, September 10, 2010


I am sitting in my office and I hear running water. Well, after one has had major water damage this sound warrants an investigation. NOPE nothing ~ so back to my office. I started doing my bible study for class and in Rev. 1 vs. 15 the apostle John is describing how he is seeing Christ ... "his voice was like the sound of rushing water." You know the kind?! The kind of water that if you are close enough you can't hear anything else. Well ....... I am still hearing rushing water. I pick my head up and look outside (always a good idea!) .. and there I see this ~ too cool or what? Actually CA Water Dept. is working on stablizing and maintaining water demands .. and I got to see this!!! Funny story and it's TRUE too. Doesn't God so want to show us His Word??? Yea!! have a great weekend, m

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1 comment:

Lisa said...

That is really a cool story! Love it when that happens.