Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I believe .... statement of my FAITH ~

I believe that being a Christian isn’t a thing we do only on Sundays, and that church isn’t something that just happens at the altar or in a sanctuary or in a building & that grace abounds everywhere – sometimes where I least expect it.
I am a truth-seeker, Bible-believer, addicted to grace, passionately in love with Jesus and in need of a Savior daily.
I believe in a Savior who died for the outcast, the town drunk, the corporate executive, the preacher, the doubter, the prostitute, the rude waitress, the junkie and the guy who cut me off in traffic. I believe in a Savior who died for me.
I believe that even if people make fun of you – even if your own Christian community rolls its eyes at you – it’s still OK to be “on fire for Jesus,”  to call yourself a Jesus Freak and to raise your hands in church. And I also think it’s OK if you don't.  But let's unpack all that you've learned or are learning about Jesus, the lover of your soul.
I believe that every moment is an opportunity to offer love and to find a way to forgive. I believe all those things can happen anywhere: in funeral homes, in subway stations and in the sandbox, at the community pool, at the park right after a mean kid throws sand in your toddler’s eye, in the high school parking lot ... every where and any where. For we will be known by our love (and believe me, I am NOT perfect in this area at all). 
I also believe this: I am saved but still a sinner & that I will never ever ever lose my salvation. NOPE, it's not gonna happen ~ for Christ died for me, to set me free. 
I believe in scandalous grace, and that the Cross is the most priceless and costly gift the world has ever seen. I believe that it really is all because of Jesus.  My dailyness is all for and because of Christ. 
I believe that  Jesus is more than a wise teacher, a fine philosopher or a miracle worker. I believe that He is God, the living Word, who became flesh. I believe He voluntarily atoned for my sin by dying on the Cross. I believe He rose from the dead, ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father.
I believe the Holy Spirit is a divine Person.
I believe that the same Spirit who hovered over the waters and who inspired the prophets and who fell upon the first believers, is the very same Spirit who guides and empowers believers today ~ that's you and me! 
I believe that the Holy Bible is God's true word; that it is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16) I enjoy reading, memorizing, meditating, talking, unpacking & studying God's word ~ will you join me?
I believe that salvation is a work of God’s free grace and is not the result of human works, “being good” or taking part in religious ceremonies.
I believe that God exists, even creation can verify He exists. Often when I open my Bible, I can almost smell God ~ and no, it's not Old Spice ~ it's God. 
All people matter to God, for He is patient NOT wanting any one to perish (2 Peter 3:9). Jesus loves you & me.
I believe in miracles; I am one.  I've been eye-witness to a few also. I believe in glory stories, for God loves to bless His beloved ... and others are encouraged by your glory story. 
I’m a mess. I live in a mess ...and life is hard ~  however; because of that, I believe I will always need forgiveness, I will always need a Savior and I will always look to Him for my very life. I don't have all the answers ~ but I know I can pray & talk it all out to Jesus honestly, from my heart and He will listen, and never leave me. That there is real power in prayer. 
I believe that Jesus Christ is coming again. 
And I believe that this is not the end,
and that there is hope for all people ~~
and that Love came to rescue the weak and
the broken and the angry, the lost,
the confused & the helpless and … YOU
& me.
And as a believer, so in love with Jesus ~ I believe that I will live with Him forever.

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