Friday, January 29, 2010

figuring it out ............ L I F E

We never ever really figure everything out in life (that would be no fun and way too easy!) ... and yet, Paul is on his journey back to Boise IDAHO. He hasn't been able to get any job in Visalia .. and it's very very different here than what he is used to. Not that it's an excuse or anything, however, he is 21 and he is a young adult that needs to do what he wants to do. Packed up, loaded and hit the road early this AM. I think he misses his brother (Ryan) and his buddies! I totally understand this as I miss my partners-in-crime (PIC's), I miss places, I miss ...... so, darlin' child O'mine ... love you bunches! Jer. 29:11 .. I can't wait to hear your glory stories and how things work out. xoxo, mom

Thursday, January 28, 2010

driving ........

If God is the driver and YOU are the passenger ... where are you headed? I've had that stuck in my mind and heart for awhile! thought I'd toss it out there. xoxox, m

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

support Haiti ...

In reading Kelly Rae Roberts blog ( via Myriam (native of Haiti) ~~ this is a heart story ... will you help?

.. pass it on!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

people ............

I had to do a lot of thinking! about people and relationships in general. Some people come into your life for but a second, a week, a month, a year or years. Some people will impact you for a second, a week, a month, a year or years. YOU never know!! All of this to say .... what impact do you want to have on people? ~~ then make it happen! So, today a brought out my trusty bubbles and blew bubbles with strangers! And to those that I love so much ... YOU know I gotcha forever and a day!! LIVE for the glory of God and have a good ol' time doing it!!! m

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Q for all of U ...............

who did the rain dance for these storms? wow .... the rains cometh and cometh and cometh!! I'd tell you all that I'm sugar and I'm melting but that sounds a little like the wicked witch of the west! KWIM?!! It's been interesting to say the least ... maybe this IS what winter is like in the Valley?! have a great day, m

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I am getting rid of clutter .. and I've discovered what I can and can't truly live with and/or without! and .... clutter ~ it's going ... 2010 will be my de-cluttering year!! like I stated ... anticipate my HUGE sale in March! Clutter is any thing or thought that prevents you from living life to the fullest!

Monday, January 18, 2010

the studio ~ is what it's been dubbed

in the new house my office, aka scrapbooking get-away, aka playroom has been loveinly named 'the studio'. You are all welcomed to come play! or just come and sip a cup of tea with me too!!
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wear RED ... Jan 19th

just a heads up .... wearing red tomorrow TUESDAY, Jan. 19th in support, honoring and remembrance for the country of Haiti. will you? thanks! m

Saturday, January 16, 2010

ONE WORD living .... daily, weekly, monthly and yearly

here's a thought ... and yes, I know I'm a bit behind but the move put me back a bit! so, if you could come up with ONE WORD for today, for the week (beginning on Sunday ~ tomorrow), monthly, and yearly what would you choose???? It's a way to simplify our living .. and don't we all want to live with less? Less 'stuff', less 'baggage' and certainly less stress?? Go for it and let me know what you choose for the week? I'm in the unpacking mode so I choose SORT for the week.

Friday, January 15, 2010

HOME again home again!

well, ta-da .... all the interior boxes are unpacked. And .... HOME again HOME again! Here we are.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

friday's aftermath

THIS is what the house looked like after the truck was unloaded!!! oy via ... so, much to do ... where to begin! I actually forgot I owned somethings like furniture! and what a yardsale I'm gonna have this Spring!!
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Friday, January 8, 2010



Friday, TODAY ... Jan. 8 ~~~~ we totally move into our new home!!! 6 mos. in the building, relocated to S. California ~ Visalia (specifically) .. and we ARE HOME!! Here comes the moving van .......... I can hardly stand it!!! missing ALL OF YOU!! xoxoxo, m
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Life Lessons ... flexibility

there are many life lessons ~~ one of which is being flexible; of which I had the utmost practice living in Lesotho, South Africa .. and TODAY it has 'paid off'. To be flexible, to bend and re-arrange, to re-schedule to make decisions quickly and accurately. God is good!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

the to do's ............

set up, pack, break down, pick up, deliver, wait, install, build, align, tweak ... these are all words that are swirling wildly in my vocabulary these days!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

got keys?????????????????

YES. YES. YES!!! about 5PM yesterday we were handed our keys to the new house! yipPPeeeeEEEE ..... and now the move-in begins!! Happy 2010 everyone