Thursday, May 16, 2019

It's the most ACTIVE month of the year ~ MAY

The countdown has begun .... and hurry up SUMMER!! However, there are many activities, field trips, programs, recital, after school celebrations, saying farewells & teacher gifts ... an inaugural year at East Campus and first graders bridge over to West Campus and 2nd grade!!!

WHERE as the year gone? Meeting new teachers, Bible memory work, homework folders, math, phonics, spelling, science, art, gym (such a witness to community), reading & more reading & of course, more reading! clubs, dance ..... WoW what a year to remember!

such growth ~ physically, emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually ... truth be  known, I learned alongside of her. Thank you little one for allowing my heart to reside in your body!
Here we go .... Summer 2019

Thursday, May 2, 2019


YES! it's a new year ....
YES! it's May!  ....
YES! it's the busiest month of the year for me other than December! ...

So I'm blogging. This truly is on my heart ...
yet, LIFE happens! KWIM?
WHAT season of life are you in?
New mothering, New friendships, New house, New car, New hairdo??

 LIFE happens.

School's about to end ... as of today, 19 more days ~ but whose counting?

What I know, it that God is in control, God is for you, God knows ... and LIFE happens.

Soooooo ... I am grateful for all of it, I am choosing JOY ~
 I am praying all over and over all.

That leads me to 2019 ..
How can I pray for you ... specifically or no-details-needed?????

Such JOY to pray for you, your families, & your heart's desires.

Be blessed .... say hi in the comments and let's do 2019 together.

All because of Christ, Michelle